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OSC and Narrowband.


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Anyone out there using OSC and quadband/duoband filters or similar? Interested in any pitfalls that may have become apparent "after the event", so to speak. I appreciate that purists will recommend mono and RGB filters etc. But I am at the stage where if I add any more spaghetti to the rig I shall have to learn Italian. Also target time in my local is sporadic to say the least and I need to make the most of it when I can.  Comments Please.

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I went from mono to colour due to the limited time we get out. I use the ASI294 and STC Duo and to be fair get some decent results. Apart from the obvious like sensitivity etc, I think they are great. I've posted a few of my more recent images if you want to look.


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Posted by: @Rattler

I went from mono to colour due to the limited time we get out. I use the ASI294 and STC Duo and to be fair get some decent results. Apart from the obvious like sensitivity etc, I think they are great. I've posted a few of my more recent images if you want to look.


Thanks for the info and the links, that particular camera also falls within the budget. Thanks again. Photos are superb by the way.


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I haven't got any experience in the newer quad/tri/duo band filters. But I got very nice results with 7 nM Ha filter, combining it with RGB, on my Canon 350D DSLR.

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@tim-astrovirus Firstly Tim welcome to the backyard. I like the photos, was the Canon astro-modded? Notice from your intro post you have now gone down the "dedicated" camera route. Have you chosen OSC or mono for the Canon replacement?


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@KevS Yes the Canon was astro-modified as well as DIY TEC cooled. My new camera is the Altair Astro Hypercam 269C Pro TEC, so again going OSC, as the Dutch weather isn't particularly better then the UK weather, so want to get the most out of the few clear nights we have.

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