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Ready to buy first telescope and looking for feedback! BRESSER Messier 6" Dobson


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Hello! I'm buying my first telescope and have been looking at the Bresser Messier 6" dobsonian telescope, it's one of the dobsonians that fit my budget (~350euro) and is also available in stock. I'm going for a dobsonian because of what I've read many recommend beginners, the fact I'm only interested in observing for now and because it simply feels like a good fit.

However, I have very little knowledge and I'm wondering if there are things I should know before buying it, accessories I might want to get with it? I'm also interested to hear if you think it'll be a suitable first telescope.


One thing I'm planning to do is build a three legged table for it to stand on, I saw a couple designs online to follow/take inspiration from.



EDIT* I'll add that I've also been keeping a look on the second hand market but it's difficult to find anything here and apparently impossible to find something in the region I live in. I am looking daily though!

Edited by jeepjesus
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Not sure on that particular model but I started with a 6" Skywatcher Dob, and loved it !

I did pretty quickly get aperture fever and upgraded to a 10" though 🙂


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I'm not a great fan of Dob' mounts. They are pretty stable though as they are designed to be placed on the ground. The practicality of placing it on a three-legged (or other) table would concern me. Any shift or movement would be greatly amplified at magnification through the eyepiece.




I can sometimes get away with a 90mm Mak' on a Dob' mount standing on a garden table. Although I prefer it mounted on a tripod.




A Dob' mount should be fine if mounted directly on the ground. I'm not saying it won't be stable on a table, but mount stability is one of the most important things to produce a steady image. A rule of thumb is that the mount is double the weight of the OTA. This doesn't necessarily apply to Dobson mounts as they have a low centre of gravity. But that's because they are usually close to the ground. Just my opinion. 

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That Bresser the OP linked to is designed to sit on the floor and there wouldn't be any benefit from putting it onto a stool. It will be stable enough on the ground and high enough. The beauty of Dobs are of course point and squirt with occasional nudges to keep the target in the eyepiece.


If it were me I would go for the 200mm as it is only slightly more but unsure of your budget constraints.

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Its F5 so the eyepiece is going to be around 60cm from the base, a low table will be useful for adults (or a garden kneeling pad).  6 inch F5 is going to be easiest to star hop with that 25mm eyepiece. (But I suspect an any-brand 25mm Plossel eyepiece would be a big benefit for field of view compared to the Kelner it comes with - sorry slippery slope time!).





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Hello and welcome to the site.


Another comment supporting your choice.
Having owned several 8" & 10" & 12" reflectors, maybe I'm biassed.

Seriously, I think you will get a great deal of enjoyment from the scope.
My only thought is whether the 8" might be better.
But it depends on your storage arrangements and transport to viewing area.


I wouldn't worry about add ons and accessories just yet.
People usually think of collimation tools, different eyepieces and different finders.
Look through the scope first and decide what you don't like, or could be better.

Provided you have some sort of star chart you can get started.
The chart can be a simple plastic planisphere, or a book, or a phone/tablet app.
Basically if it is only a few pounds, or free, give it a try.
Turn Left At Orion is an excellent book that does more than get you started.


Let us know how you get on and keep asking the questions.



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Hi @jeepjesus and welcome to Backyardastro.org


Depending on what you want to view also helps, as no 'scope does everything. That said, a 6" Dobsonian is a good start and introduction to this wonderful hobby, though the supplied eyepieces maybe a bit of a let down. They are on another brand... especially the 10mm.


When you have purchased your 'new' scope, first get acquainted to your 'scope before purchasing any other eyepieces and accessories. Also do it in the daylight hours, [DON'T BE TEMPTED or EVEN THINK TO LOOK AT THE SUN, EVEN IF IT CLOUDY/OVERCAST, UNLESS YOU HAVE A FULL APERTURE SOLAR FILTER], so you know where things go and what does what, etc.), it is so different at night)! - The only accessories I would recommend to begin with is...

  • a torch/flashlight with a red filter. Even rear bicycle light can be used.
  • a collimation cap or 'Cheshire' collimator. Forget about laser collimators for the time being.

Once you have got the basic use of the 'scope and depending on where you are, these eyepieces are popular with beginners... https://www.firstlightoptics.com/bst-starguider-eyepieces.html and have 60deg. AFOV and the eye-relief is pretty good too at about 16mm. 


If you have not already done so, download 'Stellarium'. It is free for PC/Mac users, though the mobile 'phone/tablet version is not. There are also on some websites free Lunar/Moon, star charts and atlases, available too.


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