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Welcome to the Backyard Astro Space!

Backyard Astronomy Space is intended to be a place where you can discuss Amateur Astronomy in a friendly, relaxed and polite environment.

We have a few rules to make this work for all members, and by creating a profile and using the forum you agree to these terms of use. Please ensure you read them before creating an account.

If you feel the terms of use are inappropriate, send a message to a Moderator, and request for your account to be deleted.

General tone of the forum:

Be Polite: Members deserve to be treated politely. Please be respectful and polite to each other at all times. “Trolling” and “Flaming” are unacceptable. Be respectful of another member’s opinions. Do not respond to personal attacks, just message a moderator. If you find something offensive, message a moderator. We will not tolerate personal attacks of any kind, ever.

Anyone dissing other members or vendors will be banned without notice.

Moderators are volunteers with busy lives. They aren’t interested in a “big brother” approach to moderation. They have the right to edit or delete posts, or ban members that violate the rules, without prior notice.

“Forbidden” topics: Anything intended to offend. No religious references. No flat earth references. No political references. No offensive usernames. Please do not use words that are totally in uppercase text as it can be perceived as shouting.

Libel and Defamation: Libelous and defamatory content will be removed from public access, but may be kept as evidence.

Supplier reviews: You may review astronomy related products, subject to approval, but you cannot review suppliers and transactions because we will not allow the manipulation of suppliers for benefit, nor to resolve transaction disputes by placing undue pressure on suppliers as is common on other forums. Commercial entities may not “plant” positive reviews of products disguised as a member review. Reviews which are not genuine will be removed.

Product reviews: You may post reviews about astronomy products you have personally used. If there is a commercial link or motivation, this must be declared. If we find this out after the fact, your post will be removed from public access.

Advertising & Spam: The Forum may not be used to advertise or promote businesses, products or services. Posting the same message, or an unsolicited commercial message, to one or many topics or boards is considered spam and will be removed. Duplicate messages may be deleted. This forum is for private individuals only. Organisations and companies may not use this forum without permission.

Private information: This forum is for private individuals only. Organisations and companies may not use this forum without permission. Members may not include other member’s personal information, nor personally identifiable information such as names, addresses, phone numbers, photographs, or e-mail addresses in any forum or blogging area. However, you may choose to make your own personal information public if you wish. Personal information should be kept within private messages only.

Private communications from external persons and/or companies: You may not post copies of communication from any party, without moderator permission.

Off topic posts: No irrelevant or off-topic posts. Posts which are not relevant to the forum topic may be deleted at the moderator's discretion.

Profile information & signatures: No offensive profile pictures. No lengthy signatures. No URL links in signatures. Limit signatures to 4 lines or less.  Moderators will edit and/or remove signatures that are too long. You can download your complete profile information at any time by logging in and selecting 

Intellectual property: Forums and blogs may not be used to post material that is protected by copyright, trademark or other proprietary right without the express permission of the owner(s) of said copyright, trademark or other proprietary right.

Links to external content: The forum may not be used to post, transmit or provide hyperlinks or pointers to material that is knowingly false and/or defamatory; contains ad hominem attacks, misleading, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening or invasive of a person's privacy; that otherwise violates any law; or that encourages conduct constituting a criminal offense. Links to other forums: Unlike other forums, members of Backyard Astro Forum may link to posts and content in other forums and discuss them here.

Access Permissions: Certain forums are limited to specific registered users and it is at moderation teams discretion as to who is given access to these.

Libel: Backyard Astronomy Space attempts to monitor all discussions, however is under no obligation to do so and assumes no responsibility or liability arising from the discussions contained in its websites, or for any error, defamation, libel, slander, omission, falsehood, obscenity, pornography, profanity, danger or inaccuracy contained in any information within its websites. Backyard Astronomy Space does not monitor or review the content of any pages which are not hosted on the website, or any other sites linked to its websites and assumes no responsibility or liability arising from the contents of such pages or websites, or for any error, defamation, libel, slander, omission, falsehood, obscenity, pornography, profanity, danger or inaccuracy contained in any information contained therein.

Banning: The decision to ban a member will be solely at the moderator(s) discretion and will usually, but not always result if the rules are broken. Should a banned member attempt to re-join the forum under a different profile, they will be re-banned.

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