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Need advice regarding focus tube dimentions

Flip Andreas

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I'm newish to astophotography, but have been dabbling in photography for years.  and figured it would be cool to see what's out there and take some cool photos while i'm at it. 

I currently have a ZWO 294 MC Pro that i have been using with some lenses. but i want to see more and expand my possibilities.

And i'm looking to get a TS Optics Photoline 80. with a flattener, this one, or please correct me.


I'm sitting here looking at the different sizes of threads, OD diameters and so on and i'm getting a bit confused and thus is seeking some help with the matter. 

What should i get, or what do i need to make sure that i can use these together?

Any reccomendations and comparisons is very much appreciated, easpecially with links = )


Thank you in advance.


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Hello Andreas welcome to the forum. That scope looks like a great one for your camera. I’m not familiar with it nor which flattener to use however there might be a member who could advise which one would be best for the telescope.


Do you have a mount that is suitable for the scope? Most astro imagers use goto mounts which are computer controlled to ensure the target is always in frame during the long exposures that are required to capture deep sky objects.

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Thank you Terry.

ah, yes i do have a mount,  my thinking was that a solid and sturdy tripod is important, and that probably is true for asto too. I went big and got my self a Skywatcher EQ6R-Pro with the thinking it will work for what i have now, and it should cover all my future needs. It is in my opinion a very nice mount, especially paired with a ASI Air.

Although i started with a 'Star adventurer 2i' and a laserpointer for targeting, which aslo worked well.
What currently hold me is that i want to make sure i get all the pieces i need in one order, so i'm not stuck with a tube and a camera that does not physically fit together, and thus need to make a new order and wait a few more weeks for delivery.



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The EQ6 Pro is a great mount and will be more than suitable for the scope. I can understand the dilemma when making sure you have all the correct bits to make it all connect together. I shall have a look at the spec and see if I can work out what is required. It will probably be a day or so before I get around to it but watch this space.

In the meantime if others want to chip in they may also have thoughts about what may be required.

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26 minutes ago, TerryMcK said:

The EQ6 Pro is a great mount and will be more than suitable for the scope. I can understand the dilemma when making sure you have all the correct bits to make it all connect together. I shall have a look at the spec and see if I can work out what is required. It will probably be a day or so before I get around to it but watch this space.

In the meantime if others want to chip in they may also have thoughts about what may be required.

That sounds fantastic! = D
Any and all help and information i can get is useful!

The ZWO camera comes with a few bits, they are pictured on the item description, or here with dimentions on the camera body here.

The Scope mentiones "2" receptacle and female M68x1 thread for screwed adaptions can be used"


I'm guessing there are some sandards but i'm not familiar enough with the systems to get a clear picture in my mind on how it all goes together... I'm guessing some hand-on experiance helps a lot.

Edit: sitting here thinking, any way to rotate the camera to frame up a object is probably a good idea, i don't really know what the scope can do in the way of rotation.
But this looks like something that can rotate sometthing. hehe



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That is the place where eyepieces or diagonals go.

However I have been unable to find out much about the telescope. It may be a good idea to ask the vendor as to the best adapters to go with the x1.0 flattener that goes with the scope. It mentions something about a spacer being needed if you are using a DLSR camera with the industry standard 55mm backfocus. Vendors are usually really helpful if you tell them the camera you have and you want to link it to the telescope.

The ZWO camera has all the necessary adapters to reach 55mm backfocus and indeed are designed with this measurement in mind. The online manual for the ZWO camera shows how to connect all the supplied adapters.

Sorry I can't be anymore helkp on this one but that telescope is a new one on me.

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I understand, It not a easy task. This has still helped me a lot = )

I've contacted a couple of vendors that are available to me to see if they can recommend some items.

Regarding TS Optics. I think it was Ed Ting (correction,
Wido's AstroForum) on Youtube who recommended them, as he compared them to a manufacturer that are easy to get in the americas, but hard to get in Europe. but the manufacturer escapes my mind...
Anyways, he said they were good, and other info about them seems to agree on the quality.

I'm looking at the ZWO documentation one the ASI294. 
And my shopping list is snowballing more and more, heh... 
While i'm at it, i should probably get a OAG for my ASI120mini, a fiter drawer and some way to rotate the camera. 

I have some 2" filters i'd like to use if i can, but i'm not sure how that will work with the dimensions in question here.

By the looks of it, the OAG is 16.5mm and the drawer is 21mm, so with the camera at 17.5mm that's the 55mm gone. 




Edited by Flip Andreas
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Yes astrophotography is not cheap. Good luck with your purchases and let us know how you get on.

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