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DaveS's Obsy WIP


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Most of the wood butchery (I won't call it carpentry) has been done, now it's in commissioning. A couple of photos.

Looking from the door


 And looking back towards the door


 These are wide angle shots, 20mm on full frame.

Yes it's a mess at the moment, but it *will* be tidied up before it's in proper use, I promise!

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@Carastro Just about.

There are odd bits and pieces to finish, the sort of things that always take longer than expected.

The analogy that comes to mind is shipbuilding, especially warships, where after Mrs Windsor smashes a bottle of fizz, and a few thousand tonnes of steel go sliding into the water, it gets towed to the fitting-out basin where all the clever stuff gets added.

So I've done most of the construction, now it's a case of adding the clever bits, then commissioning.

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That's looking very good Dave.

One could be forgiven to thinking that is abroad with the palm tree in the back ground.

Do the power lines cause diffraction spikes or are they out of the way?

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I've seen the odd spike, but plenty of subs and sigma stacking seems to get rid of them.

This is quite a mild part of the country, plenty of palm trees around here.

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Put the camera on and got the 'scope balanced, at least in Dec and RA. Haven't done the balance around the OTA yet. Because of the weight of the camera I've just put the focuser in the middle. After attending to the focus I will rebalance. Fortunately ASA mounts come with good software for the mount control that has a balance tool. Needed as ASA mounts are *very* sensitive to balance, especially with a big lump like an ODK12.

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  • 4 weeks later...

A big Thank You to Rupert Smith of Astrograph who performed an heroic debugging of the Talon software installation which had me tearing my hair out, including him contacting the software developer for further help.

He really is a top bloke.

I have also installed a little IP camera so I can monitor the obsy remotely, including from my 'phone.


I would put up a video of the roof opening and closing, but it's beyond the size limit.

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Thanks Gina.

I've also managed to get the magnetic sensors fixed to the mount to tell the Talon system that the mount is parked and it's safe to close the roof. they are just visible as the little white objects glued to the wood block.

Offcuts are very useful, never chuck them away!

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