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SkyShed Pod observatory


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Well - I always wanted an observatory, so when I moved house there were three major considerations - the cost, upstairs and downstairs (if you get my general drift ? ) and somewhere not brightly illuminated to put an observatory. And now I have it and am so pleased as it has changed the whole process of imaging. If there's a downside to this particular observatory, it's that you cannot point very near to the zenith - the clamshell gets in the way. There is a modification, but it's not great - a bit Heath Robinson. So here it is and also what's inside it.

My SkyShed Pod observatory in the back garden.

My wonderful Altair Wave 115 with all the gubbins.

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Great build, and attractive setting.  I also have a POD (have had it for 10 years now , I posted a thread on here about it).

Love having one I could not do with having to set up every night, so I installed the POD within a year of starting DSI. 

Yes totally agree re the Zenith problem, it really got on my nerves, so after a few years of having to wait hours for targets to pass over the Zenith, I built a PZT (also in my thread).  Could not have the one recommended by SkyPOD as the POD is up against a fence so could not get access to the fixings so got a retired engineering friend to custom build one for me.  It has made a lot of difference, though a bit of a palaver to get back on again in the small hours trying not to make too much noise.  

One other comment is I notice your decking has a gap underneath, do you find you get the local wildlife lodging underneath, I did and was constantly finding access holes dug around the edges, so had to pave around the perimeter and then place fascia boards down to the paving.



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Posted by: @Carastro

One other comment is I notice your decking has a gap underneath, do you find you get the local wildlife lodging underneath, I did and was constantly finding access holes dug around the edges, so had to pave around the perimeter and then place fascia boards down to the paving.




Funny you should say that! Badgers and foxes have both tried, but I found a way to discourage all but one fox who has this curious notion that he also owns my garden and all that's in it. The deterrents seem to have just provided it with further challenges, but finally I think I've gained the upper hand! . . . until the Spring I suspect! ? 

My neighbours' gardens have both been attacked by the creatures and they have become very annoyed at the widespread digging and destruction. I've yet to tell one of them that last night at 02:00hrs, 5 badgers and a fox were running around and digging and creating absolute havoc - until they heard me very, very quietly turn the window latch!

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Posted by: @Carastro

Yes totally agree re the Zenith problem, it really got on my nerves, so after a few years of having to wait hours for targets to pass over the Zenith, I built a PZT (also in my thread).  Could not have the one recommended by SkyPOD as the POD is up against a fence so could not get access to the fixings so got a retired engineering friend to custom build one for me.  It has made a lot of difference, though a bit of a palaver to get back on again in the small hours trying not to make too much noise. 




I was interested to see your PZT on your website. It certainly looks like a sound idea but I'm a little unsure how the release mechanism works so should be most grateful for a little more detail. The noise issue is also a thing to consider I realise, because in the silence of 03:00hrs, just rotating the dome to its home position seems to be like a thunderstorm! ? 

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Posted by: @CaptainTweaky

in the silence of 03:00hrs, just rotating the dome to its home position seems to be like a thunderstorm!  

I try to rotate the dome very slowly in the early hours so it makes as little noise as possible.

There are special brackets you have to buy so you can Release the dome,  Then you use the existing brackets on top of them if I recall rightly. 

I think there are a set of instructions on how to create the PZT on the SkyPOD Website, or if not you should be able to get them from Wayne (owner).   You buy a hardware kit from him but you have to make your own table from Yacht ply I think it was, but to be honest, it hasn't lasted all that well despite the layers and layers of yacht varnish recommended, and I can see me having to replace it in the not too distant future.  I would therefore recommend the frame that I created and put a substantial sheet of HDPE on top cut to the right shape this will no doubt provide a smoother slide of the dome.  

You need to put ramps each side and in the middle to left the height of the dome on and off, but this mustn't be too close or it will obstruct the Dome lip when rotating in normal use.

Also remove a few of the wheels where the metal brackets are attached to the dome as it is moved on and off as well.  

Finally you will need some safety rails each side of the table to make sure the dome doesn't slide off, Something I am planning to make a little higher.


On the POD Forum there was a guy who has fixed a hook to the top of his dome and has a crane of some sort to lift if off, but they have a lot more space in the USA.  LOl 


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Thank you kindly for all that advice, I shall certainly be looking into it. Currently I'm playing with my new toy the SkyWatcher AZ-GTi with the WO GTF-81 and doing some much needed observing. It's quite a challenge even then trying to find what I'm looking for! I have a Meade UWA 24mm and found Kemble's Cascade this evening - what a spectacular site! ? 

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