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Love my scopes ?


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So, here I am with my dirty stop outs being featured in a Sunday newspaper pull out mag. ? I have a 130P newtonian which was my first scope but I love it so much, I dont want to part. Fabulous for lunar and planetary and it got me started in DSO. My other is a Skywatcher 72ED Evostar DS Pro on a HEQ5 Pro mount.Camera is a hypercam  183c fan cooled cmos with a 0.8 reducer. Guidescope is a Starwave 50mm and a 290c camera.



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Posted by: @Superlunarchick

I have a 130P newtonian which was my first scope but I love it so much, I dont want to part.

Parting with gear is always difficult, you get attached to it so much, especially if it served you well. I've only ever sold one scope, and that was my very first one, all the others I kept.

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I first bought the Celestron AstroFi 130 which is very much the same scope as yours. Felt that purchase was a bit of a waste. But it got me started.. just actively trying to sell it on. Then I bought an Celestron EdgeHD 800 and a ZWO ASI 1600MM then purchased the same scope and camera as you. A Skywatcher 72ED Evostar and Altair 183C. The only difference is that I have used a ZWO mini guide scope and added a Pegasus Focuser and a 2" filter wheel for a selection of broadband and a dark filter

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