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Stumbled across this forum while researching an eyepiece.

I started my journey in imaging as many  do, migrating over from photography, I bought an Astrotrac  12-13 years ago to use at our family caravan near Penrith, the skies where quite dark bortle 4.

I quickly realised I was hooked, obsessing over kit etc, soon moved onto Gem mount, bought an EQ5 pro and ED80 plus flattener plus lap top then the spending started, Revelation ED100/6 atIK 383, on and on the spending went, observatory at home, NEQ6  APM 107 triplet, MN190, CPC800 plus many more eventually burned myself out after 9 years and tens of thousands of pounds.  I sold everything I had at the time and bought myself a new motorcycle  took down the Ob’s under orders from wife and re landscaped the garden.

3 years ago I bought 15x70 Helios HR bins, then along came a great deal on second hand Helios 28 x 110 bins, I realised then that my true path was visual, recently I bought a humble Celestron OTA 102/6.5 acro, I had a decent diagonal  so just needed a few plossl’s and I’m all sorted ( I thought) anyway I’m determined to keep it cheap and cheerful,  I no longer have the caravan or a credit card J , so its back garden in cloudy Preston Lancashire, blessed with living near the west coast we enjoy plenty of moister and clouds that will prevent me from ever bothering getting into imaging again J

Looking forward to reading all the posts and reports..


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Welcome to the Yard. I'm strictly visual as well. I have a 102mm achro. 




You can see a lot with a 102mm achro'.

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Welcome Guy, I think you are the same Coco I have chatted with on SGL over the years.

Welcome to BackYard Astro, very friendly on here.  



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