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SmallWorldsForum Microscopy and macro photography - a companion forum to BYA Ɨ

All the gear no idea šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ«¢


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Evening everyone, Iā€™ve been wanting to get into astrophotography since being a child , now Iā€™m that bigger child at 41 Iā€™ve finally bought myself a canon 1300d with kit lens and a canon 70d with kit lens , msm tracker a tripod and intervalometer and I need some help with the settings I should be using can someone please give me some advise on setting up my cameras how to stop the noise and get crystal clear pictures , what stacking software is best for a newbie , thank you all in advance , much love andy xox

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Hi Andy welcome to the forum. There are a lot of people on here who can help with your query.

I canā€™t comment on the camera settings as it is a while since I used my DSLR for astro but free stacking software is available. One for Windows is Deep Sky StackerĀ http://deepskystacker.free.fr/english/index.html

Easy to use and great for a newcomer.

Noise is normally tackled in the processing side rather than within the camera itself. I use PixInsight to produce my images and there are plugins for it to reduce noise.

There is a module you can buy called Topaz DenoiseAIĀ https://www.topazlabs.com/denoise-aiĀ which works great standalone or within Photoshop and/or Affinity Photo.

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I havenā€™t done DSLR imaging for many years, but l was told to take 300secs @ 800 ISO. Ā 
take as many as possible - several hourā€™s worth.Ā 
Do not turn on noise reduction in the camera as each image will take twice as long. Ā 

I have a ā€œHow to image with a DSLRā€ page on my website which l wrote in 2013 with a few tweaks since then. Ā  Many people have found it useful and l will post a link up. Ā 

My reservation is your mount as ideally you need to guide, though might be less bothersome in wide-field images. Ā You may need shorter exposures if you canā€™t guide. Ā 

Getting noise free images with an uncooled camera is Ā pretty impossible.Ā 





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