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Hello from Rutland


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Hello all - my name is Keith Townsend and I guess I'm a refugee from Facebook; sick of hard-fought-for astronomy images being taken down for 'offending community standards', by stupid algorithms.

I've been imaging since Noah was in short trousers and since switching to Altair gear, have started to produce some half-way reasonable images (in my opinion lol)

My set up is AA102EDT with AA 50mm Guide scope & AA 290c Guidecam on an iOptron iEQ45 Pro - AA .79 Planostar reducer, Pegasus Falcon rotator, AA filter drawer with AA 4nm dualband filter and AA269c ProTec. Pretty much all AA!!

All controlled via a Pegasus UPBv2 and a MiniX mounted computer.

I capture with APT, guide with PHD2 & process exclusively in PI, using RC Astro NoiseXT - StarXT - BlurXT.

Rutland skies are around B4 and the clouds are usually good and thick.

Clear skies (wry grin!)


Edited by RaDec
missed bracket
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Hi Keith and welcome to the forum. Where in Rutland do you reside, I lived in Stamford for a few years in the 70s and the skies were very good then. I guess the expanse of civilisation stops for no one. Looking forward to seeing one of your images on the forum threads.



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Thanks for the welcome guys.

MartinS - we live in Empingham. The street lights are still dim and few & far between, so my sky here is about Bortle 4 I think. Clouds though - we have plenty - especially on the nights where the moon isn't a pain!

T'was ever thus!


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