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Hello from Herts


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To introduce myself to all. I’m Jon and have been dipping in and out of astronomy for some 30 odd years now. Way back then I bought a Meade ETX90ec, eyepieces and other BAE gear from Telescope House when they were in Farringdon and I absolutely loved it. Seeing Jupiter, Saturn, the lunar craters and Sun for the first time with my own eyes was so thrilling. And not to mention a fuzzy called the Andromeda galaxy!!! Being a pro photographer back in the day, I wanted to take photos but I quickly realized that the mount wasn’t up to much especially when I started to image using a Phillips webcam then tried to piggy back my camera on it! Yes, I know but did manage some good planetary shots but nothing like what can be achieved today. 

Unfortunately life got in the way for a very long time, however all these years later I have finally got a lovely setup and now coming back into this hobby there is a massive learning curve and a half to understand from mounts to cameras, and most definitely processing. Things have moved on so much and hope to learn from the wealth of knowledgeable people out there who are more than happy to help, guide and motivate especially under UK skies!!! 

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Welcome to the forum Jon. The skies this last year or two have been dreadful, but there are always opportunities and modern cameras are so much more sensitive you can often make an image from a sow’s ear (if not a silk purse😂). 
im sure there will be lots of advice and different opinions, so ask away and enjoy. 

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Welcome Jon, you don’t mention what your loverly setup is. I assume you are about to embark on the Astrophotography journey.  You are correct, things have moved on a lot in terms of equipment and software which has enabled amateurs to create wonderful deep sky images from their own back yard. Just remember this is a hobby and enjoy the journey.

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Hi Jon, welcome to the group. I used to shop at the old Farringdon shop too many years ago, and eventually got into the business myself. Good times! Hope you still get some use out of the ETX.

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Posted (edited)

Thank you for a kind welcome. 
This weather is very trying. Not been able to use my rig properly for over a month now. I just rant at my family so I will spare you guys but at least you know where I’m coming from. 😂
When I compare my 12mp camera to my 45mp camera, well there isn’t a comparison to be had really. Indeed these modern sensors are incredible compared to what was available.


Saved up and got an HEQ5 Pro mount that I upgraded with the Rowan Belt and then sent it to Dark Frame to get a hypertuned StellarDrive mainly due to an issue with the Dec axis (long story). It now runs beautifully and I can balance it properly. Anyway, I learned the programs as best I could on an 80mm scope and worked out auto guiding etc, I decided to get a upgrade and part exchanged it for 4" triplet refractor and 60mm guidescope then repurposed the Evoguide 50 as a wide angle scope.  I also got a deal and upgraded my ETX90 that I used for planetary and solar imaging for a SkyMax 150.  I think I’m done for now although the 8”Edge HD is there tempting me in the background 😂

I got a ASI585 doing EAA on various DSO and Video captures of solar system bodies but quickly realized that it wasn’t cutting the mustard for DSO’s which is what I really wanted to image. I took a deep breath and bought an Altair HyperCam 26c and not looked back. Still use the 585 though as it’s a fantastic camera too.

Still very new to Astrophotography but what’s annoying is trying to work out camera settings and programs under very temperamental skies. So much to learn. Patience must win through!

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Posted (edited)

Hi Nick. Yes. I kept my ETX90 mainly for solar captures. Once I took the OTA off its folk mount and put it on the HEQ5 it was great!

This was recently taken with my 30 odd year old ETX with the ASI585...


Also the 102 is a fantastic scope!



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Very nice Jon

18 minutes ago, Jonsastro said:

taken with my 30 odd year old ETX with the ASI585


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Posted (edited)
55 minutes ago, TerryMcK said:

Very nice Jon


Thank you. Unshackled from that fork mount has given it a new lease of life!

 It sure if this is the right discussion board to ask. it’s now Galaxy season I hope to get back out there. M51 is one of my favorites and always wanted to capture it. Any suggestions on how to get good camera setting for it would be appreciated. 

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As with most modern CMOS cameras try it out at the default unity gain and offset settings. The HEQ5 with the Rowan upgrade (same as mine) is capable of providing a great base for long sub exposures. However I tend to do just 180 second subs with my cameras. Shorter subs just more of them.

For brighter objects like Orion nebula, Andromeda Galaxy or Pleiades I shoot even shorter, 30 secs to 1 minute, to prevent core burnout. 


Stacking still brings out the dusty stuff but bright objects stay under control.


What are the skies like around you (Bortle estimate, local LP) Have you any light pollution filters?

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That's great sounds very similar to my current settings. I usually do 180 sec subs at gain 100 (LCG) with an offset of 100.

I'm in Bortle 5/6 so yes I have 2 filters - Tri-band and a L-Pro.

Trying to apply my knowledge of photographic technique has helped a lot in understanding but it's like i'm starting again in some respects.  Never thought twice about sensors details like QE, well depth, High/Low conversion gain, image scales.   So much to learn! I should have paid closer attention in Physics class. 🤣

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