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Hello from sunny North Carolina, USA

NC Stargazer

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Hello I am John O'Neal, NC Stargazer and I love doing astronomy outreach in North Carolina and across these lovely United States. Since retiring in 2016 my lovely wife and BFF have traveled the US bringing our array of solar and night time scopes to the public and to numerous star parties, including the Winter Star Part, Okie Tex, Solar fest, BoBfest, Tri-Star, The Peach State Star Gaze and even the Astronomy Festival on the National Mall. 

I am also an Associate Editor for Amateur Astronomy magazine and a contributor of articles and images to numerous other astronomy publications. J have been as amateur astronomer for over 45 years now and still enjoy the thrill of being out in the sun and under pristine night skies with my various telescopes and cameras.


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Hi john, welcome to the forum. Quite a resume you have and some great shots in the members album I see.

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Hi John a Big Welcome to the forum, I hope you enjoy your visits, make yourself at home.

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