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New Lunar/Planetary Eyepieces


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I bought this years ago as a planetary eyepiece for the 'Big Cat'. Although I ended up returning it due to visible debris. I never replaced it or even used it in the scope at night time. It would have given 250x in my SCT. What is it?

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Just comparing the Fujiyama 18mm with the Baader in daylight. Using the Celestron 127 Mak and WO prism diagonal. I thibk atm moment, for me, the Fujiyama has the edge and the images are definitely brighter, not much in it in the contrast stakes, well for mw anyway. I also like the fact that I can use the Fujiyamas with my glasses on which is more difficult with the Baaders.

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1 hour ago, Scopeman said:

Just comparing the Fujiyama 18mm with the Baader in daylight. Using the Celestron 127 Mak and WO prism diagonal. I thibk atm moment, for me, the Fujiyama has the edge and the images are definitely brighter, not much in it in the contrast stakes, well for mw anyway. I also like the fact that I can use the Fujiyamas with my glasses on which is more difficult with the Baaders.


Interesting. Of course, eyepiece use is very subjective. 




Many rate the TV 2x Barlow as the best there is. But I always thought the Vixen 2x Deluxe was sharper, had better colour separation, and overall contrast. That is on-axis though. I prefer it to the TV for planetary. But I can use my 19mm Panoptic in the TV and it is sharp to the edge for rich field, unlike the Vixen. 

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3 hours ago, Scopeman said:

Are they, what is difference? Were they any good?



They're nice enough eyepieces, if a tad heavy. I believe the only differences were cosmetic.

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33 minutes ago, Nightspore said:


Interesting. Of course, eyepiece use is very subjective. 




Many rate the TV 2x Barlow as the best there is. But I always thought the Vixen 2x Deluxe was sharper, had better colour separation, and overall contrast. That is on-axis though. I prefer it to the TV for planetary. But I can use my 19mm Panoptic in the TV and it is sharp to the edge for rich field, unlike the Vixen. 

I am not a lover of Barlows at all I much prefer focal extenders, mine are Explore Scientific and I'm quite happy with them. I don't like how the magnification alters depending on where it is in the chain on Barlows, focal extenders remain the same wherever they are placed.

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23 minutes ago, Scopeman said:

I am not a lover of Barlows at all I much prefer focal extenders, mine are Explore Scientific and I'm quite happy with them. I don't like how the magnification alters depending on where it is in the chain on Barlows, focal extenders remain the same wherever they are placed.


I think Barlows increase the eye relief, as opposed to focal reducers which shorten it. 




I have a 5x Powermate which is useful in short tube refractors for high magnifications.

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Do you need great conditions for a 5x? Any good for the FLT91? I guess it would be too much for the 127 & 180 right?



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12 minutes ago, Scopeman said:

Do you need great conditions for a 5x? Any good for the FLT91? I guess it would be too much for the 127 & 180 right?




Yeah, but remember, my 60EDF and 72mm Evostar only have focal lengths of 360mm and 420mm respectively. The Powermate makes them 1800mm and 2100mm. A 15mm eyepiece would give 120x and 140x.

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Looked into it and 3x is my limit, couldn't get one anywhere until I found one on Amazon of all places, ES only a fiver more than RVO but as RVO ship everything with a £7.50 courier I actually saved £2 being a Prime member! Lol.

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Apart from the extortionate price of Powermates the length can be an issue, I got the Explore Scientific 3x as it is shorter and it also matches the others I have. I spoke to Adam at RVO  and he advised not to go above the 3x

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There's that. Although I wonder about the differences between extenders and the Powermates as essentially they are the same thing. I think.

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I agree in the main, but I'm not averse to using a Barlow. The TV 2x is fairly short for what it is, and can do the job.



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